Friday, April 18, 2008

Journal 10: Diabled Students and Technology

by: Diane Curtis

This article and the accompanying video discuss how technology is benefitting the disabled. On numerous levels of interaction and through numerous devices disabled students are making great strides in their access and abilites. Technology has become a powerful tool for disabled students to bridge gaps and overcome some of their disablements in all subjects, from music, to writing, to physical interactions. I was extremely impressed by the community contributions to the disabled student who had is musical instrument stolen. I was also very glad to see these students moving on to succeed in higher education. I have seen some of this technology used in the classroom but never to the extent that was displayed in the video.

Why do disabled kids have so much trouble transitioning out of high school to continue their education?
Often times students are wrapped up in studying for high school exit exams and other exams that are required by the NCLB legislation that they don't have time to study and prepare for the experiences that are to come in the next few years of their lives. It is a big transition for them and they are not adequately prepared.

Why are the developments so slow for integrating technology for disabled students?
Many of the teachers are not up to date with technology and tech specialists spend most of their time focusing on providing resources for the majority population. I think that technology should be need based. Most applications for students able bodied students can be run as web based applications while hardware and software for disabled students is often more costly but must be purchased. We need to cut corners where we can and provide resources for those who need them.

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