Sunday, April 13, 2008

Journal 7: Collaborative Documents

The technology that I looked at is called Collaborative Documents, and it involves multiple people being able to contribute to a single project. Google Documents is a prime example of a collaborative document, but others include yourdraft, writewith, and whiteboard. All of these sites can be used as word processors and provide access for multiple users. In essence you no longer need to purchase expensive microsoft office software because it is all available through web-based applications. These applications not only make it free and easy to do your word processing but they make it free and easy to share and collaborate with others.

However during my searching I looked at a new application for that allows student groups to work together in groups to accomplish collaborative assignments. The application has capabilities with scheduling, discussion boards, and task organization as well as a collaborative documents section. People using this application so far seem to be excited. The format is based on facebook's platform so it will be familiar to those who use it.

1 comment:

Cobbs said...

Collaborative documents is an awesome tool. I also learned that you can export files from collaborative documents into PDF format. You don't have to purchase adolbe which is cool if your a student like me.